BTC TX Visualizer


That's just a fun free time project.
Scroll down to see a data visualization of any current transaction over the BTC blockchain.
Consider this:

  • Data are real-time and provided by via websockets.
  • Mouse over any "ball" to see its respective TX number.
  • The bigger the ball, the more bitcoins are involved with it.
  • Every ball has many smaller children balls, they are its input TX's.
  • Every 30 transactions, the flower get renewed to avoid putting too much weight on your browser.
  • Click the "disconnect/connect" button to close/open the websocket flow.
The code is open and available on GitHub here.

Contact The Author

Feel free to contact me to provide feedbacks, ideas, donations, great job oportunities, whatever, or to just say hello!

BTC address


Jacopo Pace